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Resuming transfers

How To

Resuming a LockAndMintDeposit​


NOTE: Resuming a mint that is in progress requires the all of the parameters passed in to lockAndMint to be available. You should reconstruct the chain objects (Ethereum, Bitcoin, etc.) using the same values. If the parameters are lost, the funds may be unrecoverable, so it's important to use a reliable persistent storage if mint details need to be stored.

In order to resume a LockAndMint, you need to pass the same parameters to RenJS.lockAndMint. It will pick-up any deposits that have previously been sent to the gateway address and haven't been minted.

In addition to receiving .on("deposit", ...) events, you can also manually provide the details of a deposit using mint.processDeposit. The parameter should match the type of deposit.depositDetails of a deposit object returned from.on("deposit", ...).

You may need to check for duplicate deposits if you are using both .on("deposit", ...) and .processDeposit.

transaction: {
txHash: "93864b94af9...",
vOut: 0,
amount: 290899, // sats
confirmations: 1,
amount: "290899",
.on(async (deposit) => {
// Handle deposit here. Same as .on("deposit", ...) callback.
// The default handler will keep retrying each step:
await RenJS.defaultDepositHandler(deposit);

Resuming a BurnAndRelease​

Once a burn has been completed on the mint-chain, RenVM will automatically see it and process it. However, should you want to watch the progress of burn-and-release, it's possible to recreate the BurnAndRelease object with the details of the burn.

The details passed into a BurnAndRelease are not unique - the same burn can be repeated multiple times. To identify a specific burn, you either need the mint-chain's transaction hash, the RenVM transaction hash or the burn reference found in the burn event log.

They can be passed in as follows:

const burnAndRelease = await renJS.burnAndRelease({
asset: "FIL",
to: Filecoin().Address("t14wczuvodunv3xzexobzywpbj6qpr6jwdrbkrmbq"),
from: Ethereum(provider),

// Provide one of:

// The RenVM transaction hash.
txHash: "0Nw-mdeQ1mc1TUC2xUnGgkoe_prdQ3uhO5sioDCVyFk",

// The mint-chain's transaction hash - if there are multiple burns the
// first will be chosen.
transaction: "0x1234...",

// The burn's unique identifier returned from the burn event log.
burnNonce: 1,
// can also be provided like so:
// from: Ethereum(provider).BurnNonce(0x16a),