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RenJS Class


RenJS (TypeDoc)​

The RenJS class provides methods for creating and configuring gateways.

It's initialized by providing a network or a RenVM provider. Generally, your program or website should only have one RenJS instance per network.

import RenJS from "@renproject/ren";
import { RenNetwork } from "@renproject/utils";
import { RenVMProvider } from "@renproject/provider";
import { JsonRpcProvider } from "@renproject/provider/build/main/rpc/jsonRpc";

// Mainnet - the following are equivalent:
new RenJS();
new RenJS("mainnet");
new RenJS(RenNetwork.Mainnet);
new RenJS("");
new RenJS(new RenVMProvider("mainnet"));
new RenJS(new RenVMProvider(""));
new RenJS(new RenVMProvider(new JsonRpcProvider("")));

// Testnet
new RenJS("testnet");

The second parameter for RenJS allows you to pass in some additional configuration:

import RenJS from "@renproject/ren";
import { LogLevel } from "@renproject/ren";

new RenJS("mainnet", {
// Configure a logger:
logLevel: LogLevel.Debug,
logger: console,

// Configure network delay for monitoring gateway addresses:
networkDelay: 15000, // 15 seconds

Before creating a gateway or fetching fees, you'll need to connect the chain classes to RenJS:

import RenJS from "@renproject/ren";
import { Bitcoin, Ethereum } from "@renproject/chains";

const bitcoin = new Bitcoin({ network: "testnet" });
const ethereum = new Ethereum({ network: "testnet", signer: ... });

const renJS = new RenJS("testnet")
.withChains(bitcoin, ethereum);

// Equivalently:
renJS.withChains([bitcoin, ethereum]);

You can now use the various fields and methods available on RenJS:


getChain - for getting the chain instances added with withChains

getFees - for estimating gateway fees (see fees)

gateway - for creating Gateways

gatewayTransaction - for re-creating Gateway Transactions created by a Gateway

selectShard - for fetching an asset's associated RenVM shard (currently there's only one shard)

defaultTransactionHandler - a static method that you can pass to a gateway.on("transaction")


provider - the connected RenVM provider