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This is a list of changes between RenJS v2 and RenJS v3, to help integrators migrate to the latest version. We recommend reading the RenJS v3 docs first. This list contains less obvious changes - compare RenJS v3 Quick Start and RenJS v2 Quick Start for major interface changes.

  • @renproject/interfaces has been merged into @renproject/utils
  • @renproject/rpc has been merged into @renproject/provider
  • Gateways now emit a "transaction" event instead of a "deposit" event
  • Chain handlers (e.g. the Bitcoin and Ethereum classes) should be linked to RenJS using .withChains
  • Chain handlers require a network parameter in the constructor, instead of reading it from the RenJS instance
  • The to and from parameters for renJS.gateway are now plain JavaScript objects containing payload details, instead of chain handler instances.
  • The field names in the ethereum.Contract parameter have been renamed - to, method and params instead of sendTo, contractFn and contractParams.
  • Buffers have been replaced with URL-base64 strings (where serialization is required) or Uint8Arrays.
Why a new major version?

As RenVM has evolved to support more features, RenJS has been adapted to provide developers with an easier and more natural framework to integrate with RenVM. RenJS v3 is the latest iteration of the library, with a similar and yet more flexible interface compared to previous versions. This current interface is now considered to be stable, and any future features and improvements will be built on top of the current interface with the goal of minimizing any breaking interface changes.

RenJS v2 will continue to receive any required security updates until integrators have had a chance to migrate to RenJS v3.