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TxSubmitter / TxWaiter


TxSubmitter (TypeDoc) and TxWaiter (TypeDoc)​

Each of the in, renVM and out transactions on GatewayTransaction are all instances of the TxWaiter or TxSubmitter interfaces, which follows the format of separating the submitting and the waiting for confirmations into two methods.

When a transaction is generated outside of RenJS (e.g. a BTC deposit to a gateway address), the transaction will be a TxWaiter instance and will only have a .wait() method which will only return once the transaction has sufficient confirmations.

When a transaction is being created through RenJS, it will be a TxSubmitter instance and also have a .submit() method for submitting the transaction and .export() for exporting the unsigned transaction details.


TxSubmitter and TxWaiter instances have a field progress of type ChainTransactionProgress. Additionally .wait() and .submit() return a PromiEvent (combined Promise and EventEmitter) which emit "progress" events when there is an update (e.g. a confirmation or a status change).

The progress object has a status field of type ChainTransactionStatus - one of "ready", "confirming", "done" or "reverted".

Some examples of progress objects are:

Goerli ETH lock transaction
chain: 'Goerli',
status: 'confirming',
confirmations: 0,
target: 6,
transaction: {
chain: 'Goerli',
txHash: '0x2246d2cb679603bd26136f9ccf5ec2ee7ebb6ae998c8bab428c924089b111e0f',
txid: 'IkbSy2eWA70mE2-cz17C7n67aumYyLq0KMkkCJsRHg8',
txindex: '0',
explorerLink: ''
RenVM transaction
chain: 'RenVM',
status: 'confirming',
target: 1,
transaction: {
chain: 'RenVM',
txid: 'vCJDNlgIYjZ7LHCq2jscu64ReUx0Qa6gymMEYBvs7-E',
txHash: 'vCJDNlgIYjZ7LHCq2jscu64ReUx0Qa6gymMEYBvs7-E',
txindex: '0',
explorerLink: ''
confirmations: 0,
// Some chains add additional fields to a progress object:
response: {
tx: {
version: 1,
hash: 'vCJDNlgIYjZ7LHCq2jscu64ReUx0Qa6gymMEYBvs7-E',
selector: 'BTC/toGoerli',
in: { /* snip */ },
out: {}
txStatus: 'confirming'
Reverted Goerli transaction
chain: 'Goerli',
status: 'reverted',
confirmations: 1,
target: 1,
transaction: {
chain: 'Goerli',
txHash: '0x09c5a847f016f90da2e13fce669444ec92ba781172d19b3d9eebe186809d80f5',
txid: 'CcWoR_AW-Q2i4T_OZpRE7JK6eBFy0Zs9nuvhhoCdgPU',
txindex: '0',
explorerLink: ''
// Error message passed up from ethers.js
revertReason: 'transaction failed [ See:'

Class fields​

The TxSubmitter class extends the TxWaiter class with its additional submit and export methods.


chain - the transaction's chain

progress - the transaction's current progress status


wait - wait for the transaction to be confirmed, accepting an optional confirmation target parameter to override the count required by RenVM

submit - submit the transaction using the signer connected to the relevant chain instance

export - export the unsigned transaction details so that they can be submitted by an external signer