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Contract: DarknodeRegistryLogicV1​

DarknodeRegistry is responsible for the registration and deregistration of Darknodes.

Inherits from:

  • DarknodeRegistryStateV1
  • CanReclaimTokens
  • Claimable
  • Ownable
  • Context
  • Initializable


onlyDarknodeOperator(address _darknodeID)​

Restrict a function to the owner that registered the darknode.

onlyRefunded(address _darknodeID)​

Restrict a function to unregistered darknodes.

onlyRefundable(address _darknodeID)​

Restrict a function to refundable darknodes.

onlyDeregisterable(address _darknodeID)​

Restrict a function to registered nodes without a pending deregistration.


Restrict a function to the Slasher contract.

onlyDarknode(address _darknodeID)​

Restrict a function to registered nodes without a pending deregistration.


initialize (string _VERSION, contract RenToken _renAddress, contract DarknodeRegistryStore _storeAddress, uint256 _minimumBond, uint256 _minimumPodSize, uint256 _minimumEpochIntervalSeconds, uint256 _deregistrationIntervalSeconds) (public)​


  • _VERSION: A string defining the contract version.

  • _renAddress: The address of the RenToken contract.

  • _storeAddress: The address of the DarknodeRegistryStore contract.

  • _minimumBond: The minimum bond amount that can be submitted by a Darknode.

  • _minimumPodSize: The minimum size of a Darknode pod.

  • _minimumEpochIntervalSeconds: The minimum number of seconds between epochs.

The contract constructor.

register (address _darknodeID, bytes _publicKey) (external)​


  • _darknodeID: The darknode ID that will be registered.

  • _publicKey: The public key of the darknode. It is stored to allow other darknodes and traders to encrypt messages to the trader.

Register a darknode and transfer the bond to this contract. Before registering, the bond transfer must be approved in the REN contract. The caller must provide a public encryption key for the darknode. The darknode will remain pending registration until the next epoch. Only after this period can the darknode be deregistered. The caller of this method will be stored as the owner of the darknode.

deregister (address _darknodeID) (external)​


  • _darknodeID: The darknode ID that will be deregistered. The caller of this method must be the owner of this darknode.

Deregister a darknode. The darknode will not be deregistered until the end of the epoch. After another epoch, the bond can be refunded by calling the refund method.

epoch () (external)​

Progress the epoch if it is possible to do so. This captures the current timestamp and current blockhash and overrides the current epoch.

transferStoreOwnership (contract DarknodeRegistryLogicV1 _newOwner) (external)​


  • _newOwner: The address to transfer the ownership to.

Allows the contract owner to initiate an ownership transfer of the DarknodeRegistryStore.

claimStoreOwnership () (external)​

Claims ownership of the store passed in to the constructor. transferStoreOwnership must have previously been called when transferring from another Darknode Registry.

updateDarknodePayment (contract IDarknodePayment _darknodePayment) (external)​


  • _darknodePayment: The address of the Darknode Payment contract.

Allows the contract owner to update the address of the darknode payment contract.

updateMinimumBond (uint256 _nextMinimumBond) (external)​


  • _nextMinimumBond: The minimum bond amount that can be submitted by a darknode.

Allows the contract owner to update the minimum bond.

updateMinimumPodSize (uint256 _nextMinimumPodSize) (external)​


  • _nextMinimumPodSize: The minimum size of a pod.

Allows the contract owner to update the minimum pod size.

updateMinimumEpochInterval (uint256 _nextMinimumEpochInterval) (external)​


  • _nextMinimumEpochInterval: The minimum number of blocks between epochs.

Allows the contract owner to update the minimum epoch interval.

updateSlasher (contract IDarknodeSlasher _slasher) (external)​


  • _slasher: The new slasher address.

Allow the contract owner to update the DarknodeSlasher contract address.

slash (address _guilty, address _challenger, uint256 _percentage) (external)​


  • _guilty: The guilty prover whose bond is being slashed.

  • _challenger: The challenger who should receive a portion of the bond as reward.

  • _percentage: The total percentage of bond to be slashed.

Allow the DarknodeSlasher contract to slash a portion of darknode's bond and deregister it.

refund (address _darknodeID) (external)​


  • _darknodeID: The darknode ID that will be refunded.

Refund the bond of a deregistered darknode. This will make the darknode available for registration again. Anyone can call this function but the bond will always be refunded to the darknode operator.

getDarknodeOperator (address _darknodeID) → address payable (external)​


  • _darknodeID: The ID of the darknode to retrieve the owner for.

Retrieves the address of the account that registered a darknode.

getDarknodeBond (address _darknodeID) → uint256 (external)​


  • _darknodeID: The ID of the darknode to retrieve the bond for.

Retrieves the bond amount of a darknode in 10^-18 REN.

getDarknodePublicKey (address _darknodeID) → bytes (external)​


  • _darknodeID: The ID of the darknode to retrieve the public key for.

Retrieves the encryption public key of the darknode.

getDarknodes (address _start, uint256 _count) → address[] (external)​


  • _start: A darknode ID used as an offset for the list. If _start is 0x0, the first dark node will be used. _start won't be included it is not registered for the epoch.

  • _count: The number of darknodes to retrieve starting from _start. If _count is 0, all of the darknodes from _start are retrieved. If _count is more than the remaining number of registered darknodes, the rest of the list will contain 0x0s.

Retrieves a list of darknodes which are registered for the current epoch.

getPreviousDarknodes (address _start, uint256 _count) → address[] (external)​

Retrieves a list of darknodes which were registered for the previous epoch. See getDarknodes for the parameter documentation.

isPendingRegistration (address _darknodeID) → bool (public)​


  • _darknodeID: The ID of the darknode to return.

Returns whether a darknode is scheduled to become registered at next epoch.

isPendingDeregistration (address _darknodeID) → bool (public)​

Returns if a darknode is in the pending deregistered state. In this state a darknode is still considered registered.

isDeregistered (address _darknodeID) → bool (public)​

Returns if a darknode is in the deregistered state.

isDeregisterable (address _darknodeID) → bool (public)​

Returns if a darknode can be deregistered. This is true if the darknodes is in the registered state and has not attempted to deregister yet.

isRefunded (address _darknodeID) → bool (public)​

Returns if a darknode is in the refunded state. This is true for darknodes that have never been registered, or darknodes that have been deregistered and refunded.

isRefundable (address _darknodeID) → bool (public)​

Returns if a darknode is refundable. This is true for darknodes that have been in the deregistered state for one full epoch.

darknodeRegisteredAt (address darknodeID) → uint256 (external)​

Returns the registration time of a given darknode.

darknodeDeregisteredAt (address darknodeID) → uint256 (external)​

Returns the deregistration time of a given darknode.

isRegistered (address _darknodeID) → bool (public)​

Returns if a darknode is in the registered state.

isRegisteredInPreviousEpoch (address _darknodeID) → bool (public)​

Returns if a darknode was in the registered state last epoch.


LogDarknodeRegistered (address _darknodeOperator, address _darknodeID, uint256 _bond)​

Emitted when a darknode is registered.


  • _darknodeOperator: The owner of the darknode.

  • _darknodeID: The ID of the darknode that was registered.

  • _bond: The amount of REN that was transferred as bond.

LogDarknodeDeregistered (address _darknodeOperator, address _darknodeID)​

Emitted when a darknode is deregistered.


  • _darknodeOperator: The owner of the darknode.

  • _darknodeID: The ID of the darknode that was deregistered.

LogDarknodeRefunded (address _darknodeOperator, address _darknodeID, uint256 _amount)​

Emitted when a refund has been made.


  • _darknodeOperator: The owner of the darknode.

  • _amount: The amount of REN that was refunded.

LogDarknodeSlashed (address _darknodeOperator, address _darknodeID, address _challenger, uint256 _percentage)​

Emitted when a darknode's bond is slashed.


  • _darknodeOperator: The owner of the darknode.

  • _darknodeID: The ID of the darknode that was slashed.

  • _challenger: The address of the account that submitted the challenge.

  • _percentage: The total percentage of bond slashed.

LogNewEpoch (uint256 epochhash)​

Emitted when a new epoch has begun.

LogMinimumBondUpdated (uint256 _previousMinimumBond, uint256 _nextMinimumBond)​

Emitted when a constructor parameter has been updated.

LogMinimumPodSizeUpdated (uint256 _previousMinimumPodSize, uint256 _nextMinimumPodSize)​

LogMinimumEpochIntervalUpdated (uint256 _previousMinimumEpochInterval, uint256 _nextMinimumEpochInterval)​

LogSlasherUpdated (address _previousSlasher, address _nextSlasher)​

LogDarknodePaymentUpdated (contract IDarknodePayment _previousDarknodePayment, contract IDarknodePayment _nextDarknodePayment)​