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ren_queryBlock returns the details of the latest block, or of a block at the height specified

Request Body — REQUIRED
method string — REQUIRED

Make a call to the "ren_queryBlock" method.

id int32

This value will be passed back in the response, used to match the response with the request that it is replying to.

jsonrpc string — REQUIRED

JSON-RPC Version ("2.0")

params object — REQUIRED
blockHeight string

The height of the block to fetch. If unset, the latest block is returned.


Successful response

jsonrpc string — REQUIRED
id number — REQUIRED
result object — REQUIRED
block object — REQUIRED
extrinsics object — REQUIRED
coreTxs undefined[] — REQUIRED
plan object — REQUIRED
shardTxs object — REQUIRED
txResults object — REQUIRED
txs object — REQUIRED
state string — REQUIRED
extrinsicsRootHash string — REQUIRED
hash string — REQUIRED
height string — REQUIRED
next object[] — REQUIRED
parentHash string — REQUIRED
parentSignature string — REQUIRED
timestamp string — REQUIRED